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Pier 4 Seawall and Harborwalk Project

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Stuyvesant Removal
Seawall Reconstruction

Location: Boston, MA
General Contractor: Turner Construction Company

Project Description: This marine project included salvage of a sunken 60ft ship (the Peter Stuyvesant) from Boston Harbor, as well repair and shoring of over 1,000lf of historic granite block seawalls, and rip rap revetments. In addition, AA Will installed over 700lf of pile supported pedestrian bridges and piers projecting into Boston Harbor. AA Will performed this seawall and bridge/pier construction, and pile foundations utilizing barges and push boats from our marine fleet. In addition this work required close coordination with the adjacent Pier 4 building construction project to minimize impact with the building construction work

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Harborwalk Piles
Harborwalk Decking


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145 Island Street, Stoughton, MA 02072, 781-341-4800

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