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Clippership Wharf Project

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Steel Pile Installation
Concrete Pile Installation

Location: East Boston, MA
Owner: Lend Lease Clippership Wharf, LLC

Project Description: Sitework for this 10 acre site included excavation, backfill, site filling and site & roadway utilities. Also, transportation & disposal of contaminated soil including 62,000 tons of asbestos contaminated material, level C worker protection and testing and placement of marker barrier over the entire subgrade. Pile work included 60,000 lf of 14” precast piles, 150 each timber piles and fiberglass and steel sheeting earth support. Project also included site and roadway finishes including granite curbing and bituminous pavement. Marine work consisted of marine demolition of an existing timber pier and timber pile removal from a barge. Construction of timber pile supported timber marine platforms, steel pipe pile supported steel & timber marine platforms, rip rap revetment construction, furnish & install steel floats & gangways, construction of a marine living shoreline, sheeting and construction of a precast seawall around the site perimeter.

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Seawall Recontruction


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145 Island Street, Stoughton, MA 02072, 781-341-4800

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