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Boston Garden Expansion

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First Level of Bracing
Wooden Pile Remnants

Location: Boston, MA
General Contractor: John Moriarty and Associates

Project Description: This project involved adding a new underground parking garage and two new towers to the existing Boston Garden, all while maintaining access for thousands of daily commuters to the adjacent North Station, and to huge crowns for the Garden sporting events. Our scope of work included installation of 60,000 sf of reinforced concrete slurry wall, and 17 caissons. A 60ft deep excavation was performed with three levels of cross lot bracing. AA Wil also installed a structural crane platform allowing the excavation crane to load trucks from 60ft above subgrade. Over 150,000cy soil were processed, and transported to various landfills. Our scope of work also included reconstruction of surrounding City roadways and site work.

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Near The Bottom
Deep Foundation


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145 Island Street, Stoughton, MA 02072, 781-341-4800

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